- The Value of Leadership: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment with Florian Englmaier, Stefan Grimm, and Simeon Schudy, CESifo Working Paper, forthcoming, Leadership Quarterly)
- The Efficacy of Tournaments for Non-Routine Team Tasks (with Florian Englmaier, Stefan Grimm, Dominik Grothe, and Simeon Schudy, CESifo Working Paper, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 42(4), October 2024, pp. 921-948
, online appendix, data).
- Incentivizing Team Performance in Non-Routine Analytical Team Tasks – Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Florian Englmaier, Stefan Grimm, Dominik Grothe, and Simeon Schudy, CESifo Working Paper, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 132(8), August 2024, pp. 2695-2747
, online appendix, data).
- Impulse Purchases, Gun Ownership and Homicides: Evidence from a Firearm Demand Shock (with Christoph Koenig, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 105(5), September 2023, pp. 1271-1286
, online appendix, data).
- Shocking Racial Attitudes: Black GIs in Europe (with Mark Westcott, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 88(1), January 2021, pp. 489-520
, online appendix, data).
- Unleashing Animal Spirits: Self-Control and Overpricing in Experimental Asset Markets (with Martin Kocher and Konstantin Lucks, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 32(6), June 2019, pp. 2149-2178
, online appendix, data) Note: A recent study has failed to replicate our findings. Please contextualize our results accordingly and if you cite our paper, cite the replication efforts as well.
- Risk, Time Pressure, & Selection Effects (with Martin Kocher, Stefan Trautmann, and Yilong Xu, Experimental Economics, Vol. 22(1), March 2019, pp. 216-246
, data & supplemental materials)
- Overpricing and Stake Size: On the Robustness of Results from Experimental Asset Markets (with Martin Kocher and Peter Martinsson, Economics Letters, Vol. 154, May 2017, pp. 101-104
Working Papers
- The Transferability of Racial Prejudice through Collective Memory: The Marocchinate (with Riccardo Ghidoni, Working Paper)
Companion Papers to Computer Programs
- muCap: Connecting FaceReader™ to z-Tree (with Leonard Doyle, Journal of the Economic Science Association, Vol. 5(1), August 2019, pp. 136-141
Retired Papers
- The Incentive Effects of Uncertainty in Tournaments (with Rudi Stracke, Working Paper)